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Rime & Water

Descrizione del:
Wunderbarer Raureif am Strandweg in Hilterfingen. Ich mag das Grünblau des Thunersees, das noch intensiver wirkt, weil der Rest des Bildes fast nur monochrom ist. ----------------------------------------------- Wonderful hoarfrost on the Strandweg in Hilterfingen. I like the green-blue of Lake Thun, which is even more intense because the rest of the picture is almost all monochrome. ----------------------------------------------- Dieser Druck ist in einer limitierten Auflage von 5 Exemplaren erhältlich. This print is available in a limited edition of 5 copies.
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Parole chiave:
#5st #@samhess_photo #Bern #Berner_Oberland #Bernese_Oberland #Lake_Thun #Rauhreif #Raureif #Samuel_Hess #Schweiz #Selection #Suisse #Switzerland #Thunersee #Winter #best #fog #givre #hess_photograph #hiver #hoarfrost #lake #rime #seasons #shop_hess #tree #trees #winter #✶✶✶✶✶
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